I realized after a couple of posts on this blog that it needed a dedication. This blog on a discussion of food is dedicated with a lot of love to my friend, Otesha-tour mate, party planner and inspiration, Andrew "Little" Wolf.
As many of you reading this already know, this fall I went on an Otesha bicycle tour. I'll be brief, but these tours are incredible. You live in a sustainable, mobile community, biking from town to town and performing a play and doing workshops on environmental and social justice issues.
On the second official day of tour, after spending a week with each other for training, our team was involved in an accident on the highway. We lost our dear tour mate, Andrew. What a devastating blow. Andrew was such an incredible, inspiring young man, I cannot describe the loss we all felt at his tragic passing.
But we have all learned things from knowing Andrew for the brief time that we did. Andrew was passionate about food justice issues. He worked for a couple of non-profit organizations, teaching youth about cooking, healthy food choices and food justice issues. One of the things we did on tour was facilitate "Banana workshops", which educated the students about where bananas come from, the distance it had to travel to get to the grocery store, and the injustice of the working conditions and wages of people along the way. Andrew led one of these workshops a few hours before he died. He was wide-eyed, inspiring, and passionate about these issues and facilitated an amazing workshop. After leaving the workshop, he turned to a fellow tour mate and said "this is what I want to do."
Andrew is a huge inspiration for me writing this blog. It is partially through Andrew's passion that I want people to know and talk about these issues. So, thank you, Andrew. I miss you so much, and I know if you were still with us you would be commenting on everything on this blog. Thank you for lighting my way, and for encouraging me to keep inspiring others.
Rest in peace.
(To read more about the amazing work Andrew was doing, go to http://communityworksjournal.org/ . This was an article he wrote.)
Andrew's work lives in people like you, Lisi. Keep speaking.